Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Life and droll of a Sour cow

I only hear the hum of the heat, with the crickets clicking their happy satisifaction, at being alive and well; uneaten as of yet. Their likely death only days away, beside the room they house is the monsters Leopard Geico's with a flip of the tounge they are now history, swallowed in just one bite. I am a little disappointed by the geicos as they hardly are entertainng and my debate is they will die of I do not care for them. I like to pick them up, find my fish has more love for me, Mr. Feathers will greet me first thing, yes only interested in food, its okay at least he shows some interest, and honey my main squeeze he is my buddy and pal always there to hang with me. he cannot live without seeing me and he is as loyal as me; gotta respect that.
With all this now am I any happier, yes to a degree but my worries tripple and treathen to shred me to pieces with each day it is constant pay bills keep living does he like me at all I wonder at times I think he does not. Like it is a chore just to live with me in my life sharing his.
Silence is the prevailing conversation I like the company he likes the reliability of my presence, I need the security and long for some fun, big city bright lights and madness of that. But I have been there lived it and it means less; finding people to hang with investing your life in theirs only to find years later it was not as it seemed they were not who they said they were. Turned out to be spineless bull **** artist, and only interested in their prevailing image they try to portray, and honestly will never get their in reality, only in a fake reality. They believe their bull****, and so do many others but they are the same. I wish for a world full of people just like animals honest no airs and graces to be able to say the truth without editing it constantly. Today I have just one in my reality like this and I live with him. I have several in the reaches of the net,but in person who knows they may be all image.

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